
出自中山電機所 無線行動網路實驗室

在2016年12月8日 (四) 21:34由Ztchou (對話 | 貢獻)所做的修訂版本
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◆ Game Theory and Applications. 2016 Fall, Thursday(星期四), 1:10 ~ 4:00 PM, EC2007

Part 1. 對付衝突的策略

Chapter 1. Normal-Form Games with Complete Information(更新 2016/9/29)

Chapter 2. Potential Games(更新 2016/10/6)

Chapter 3. Mixed Strategy Games(更新 2016/10/14)

Chapter 4. Evolutionary Games(參考資料,自我閱讀,上課不教,考試不考)

Chapter 5. Normal Form Games with Incomplete Information(更新 2016/10/12)

第 5 章參考資料:Auctions(自我閱讀,上課不教,考試不考)

Chapter 6. Extensive Form Games with Perfect Information(非常微幅的更新 2016/10/14)

Chapter 7. Extensive Form Games with Imperfect Information第三版 2016/12/02


Part 2. 達成合作的策略

Chapter 8. Bargaining Cames更新。把上課時候所發現的筆誤做了修正。2016/12/08

Chapter 9. Correlated Games

Chapter 10. Multi-Stage Games

Chapter 11. Infinitely Repeated Games (教材作太多,教不完。這個章節不教,考試不考)

Part 3. 利益分配的策略

Chapter 12. Coalitional Games

期末考的考試範圍:從第 7 章(Extensive Form Games with Imperfect Information)開始考,並且第 7 章的部分佔 40 分。換句話說,只要你這 40 分不會寫,期末考一定不及格。要拿下這 40 分,唯一的辦法是把第 7 章投影片「全部」看完。如果你沒看,或者只看一半 ,不知道 sequential value 如何計算,保證絕對寫不出來。


2012 Fall and 2013 Spring


Chapter 0: Syllabus

Chapter 1: Quick Overview of TCP/IP Protocol Suite

Chapter 2: Quick Overview of Wireless Protocols


Chapter1: Introduction to Vehicular Networks

Chapter 2: Vehicular Network Applications and Services

Chapter 3: Medium Access Control Protocols for Vehicular Networks

Chapter 4:  Heterogeneous Wireless Communications for Vehicular Networks

Chapter 5: Routing in Vehicular Networks

Chapter 6: Routing in Vehicular Networks: A User’s Perspective

Chapter 7: Data Dissemination in Vehicular Networks

Chapter 8: Message Scheduling within Vehicular Networks

Chapter 9: IP Address Autoconfiguration in Vehicular Networks

Chapter 10: Network Mobility in Vehicular Networks

Chapter 11: Mobile Ad Hoc NEMO



計算機程式設計, 2011 Spring, Mon 9:00~12:00 AM

Chapter 1. 課程大綱(2011/02/21)

Chapter 2. 基本概述 (2011/03/07)

Chapter 3. 基本資料型態(2011/03/07)

Chapter 4. 格式化的輸出與輸入(2011/03/07)

Chapter 5. 運算式、運算子與敘述(2011/03/07)

Chapter 6. 選擇性敘述(2011/03/07)

Chapter 7. 迴圈(2011/03/07)

Chapter 8. 函數(2011/03/07)

Chapter 9. 陣列與字串(2011/03/07)

Chapter 10. 指標(2011/03/07)

Chapter 11. 結構(2011/03/07)

Chapter 16. 類別與多載(2011/03/07)



Chapter 13. 大型程式的發展(2011/03/07)

Chapter 14. 動態記憶體配置(2011/03/07)