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Thursday(星期四), 2:10 ~ 5:00 PM, EC3013

    Microsoft Teams 網址 https://t.co/KNFr9CxN8o


Part 1. 對付衝突的策略

Chapter 1. Normal-Form Games with Complete Information
參考論文 Managing Quality of Experience for Wireless VOIP Using Noncooperative Games

Chapter 2. Potential Games  (參考資料,自我閱讀,上課不教,考試不考)
參考論文 Game-Theoretic Approach to Self-Stabilizing Distributed Formation of Minimal Multi-Dominating Sets

Chapter 3. Mixed Strategy Games
參考論文 Mobile Data Offloading with Uniform Pricing and Overlaps

Chapter 4. Evolutionary Games
參考論文 Dynamics of Network Selection in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks An Evolutionary Game Approach

Chapter 5. Normal Form Games with Incomplete Information

參考論文 Full-Duplex or Half-Duplex A Bayesian Game for Wireless Networks with Heterogeneous Self-Interference Cancellation Capabilities

第 5 章的應用:Auctions
參考論文 Auction Approaches for Resource Allocation in Wireless Systems A Survey

Chapter 6. Extensive Form Games with Perfect Information
參考論文 Spectrum Bargaining A Model for Competitive Sharing of Unlicensed Radio Spectrum

Chapter 7. Extensive Form Games with Imperfect Information 
參考論文 Cooperation in Wireless Networks with Unreliable Channels

Part 2. 達成合作的策略

Chapter 8. Bargaining Games(參考資料,自我閱讀,上課不教,考試不考)
參考論文 A Cooperative Bargaining Solution for Priority-Based Data-Rate Tuning in a Wireless Body Area Network


Chapter 9. Correlated Games(參考資料,自我閱讀,上課不教,考試不考)
參考論文 Optimal Node Allocation in Multiservice WSNs Based on Correlated Strategy

Chapter 10. Multi-Stage Games

Chapter 11. Infinitely Repeated Games
參考論文 Opportunistic Channel Selection by Cognitive Wireless Nodes Under Imperfect Observations and Limited Memory A Repeated Game Model
參考論文 A Game-Theoretic Study of CSMA-CA Under a Backoff Attack

Part 3. 利益分配的策略

Chapter 12. Coalitional Games
參考論文 Coalition Formation Games for Distributed Cooperation Among Roadside Units in Vehicular Networks

更新投影片第 23 頁有,日期 2023/12/10


2012 Fall and 2013 Spring


Chapter 0: Syllabus

Chapter 1: Quick Overview of TCP/IP Protocol Suite

Chapter 2: Quick Overview of Wireless Protocols


Chapter1: Introduction to Vehicular Networks

Chapter 2: Vehicular Network Applications and Services

Chapter 3: Medium Access Control Protocols for Vehicular Networks

Chapter 4:  Heterogeneous Wireless Communications for Vehicular Networks

Chapter 5: Routing in Vehicular Networks

Chapter 6: Routing in Vehicular Networks: A User's Perspective

Chapter 7: Data Dissemination in Vehicular Networks

Chapter 8: Message Scheduling within Vehicular Networks

Chapter 9: IP Address Autoconfiguration in Vehicular Networks

Chapter 10: Network Mobility in Vehicular Networks

Chapter 11: Mobile Ad Hoc NEMO


計算機程式設計, 2011 Spring, Mon 9:00~12:00 AM

Chapter 1. 課程大綱(2011/02/21)

Chapter 2. 基本概述 (2011/03/07)

Chapter 3. 基本資料型態(2011/03/07)

Chapter 4. 格式化的輸出與輸入(2011/03/07)

Chapter 5. 運算式、運算子與敘述(2011/03/07)

Chapter 6. 選擇性敘述(2011/03/07)

Chapter 7. 迴圈(2011/03/07)

Chapter 8. 函數(2011/03/07)

Chapter 9. 陣列與字串(2011/03/07)

Chapter 10. 指標(2011/03/07)

Chapter 11. 結構(2011/03/07)

Chapter 16. 類別與多載(2011/03/07)

Chapter 13. 大型程式的發展(2011/03/07)

Chapter 14. 動態記憶體配置(2011/03/07)